Employer Option

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Employer healthcare is a healthcare option offered to an employee (and family), by an employer. This is often the best option for healthcare coverage of an employed person, as the employer covers a portion of the premium. Health insurance plans that are covered by an employer should be analyzed before adding a spouse or dependent, as employers do not always cover the same amount of the premium as they do for the employee. This can result in the cost of healthcare premiums being higher for family members than they would be on an alternate plan.
If a Cobra package is offered, the employed and their family members can pay a HUGE increase from the cost of the original health insurance premium.


Public Marketplace

Public Marketplace insurance options are also known as ACA plans, (or  "Obamacare"  plans). These types of health insurance plans come with an HMO network, which directs you to selected healthcare professionals in your area. You will also need to receive referrals from your selected doctor, before going to a specialist or dentist. Deductibles on this plan are frequently high. We advise individuals to use sound financial planning when making a decision regarding which plan might suit them best. (Please note that there is only one option available at each plan level.)
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Private Market

Private Doctor | Tampa, FL | Lightning Healthcare
Private Market Health Insurance Plans are based on YOUR health. If you are able to qualify for them, you are able to receive better health benefits, with low deductibles. These types of healthcare are affordable, and come with a PPO network, which means that you are covered in and out of the state that you live in. They also afford you the largest variety of practitioners to choose from, with no referrals required. If you are also looking for dental, vision, or life insurance, you can add those as well.
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